New Times, New Standards
“Were in this Together”
April 30, 2020
We’ve put much time, effort, and care into making sure our Hair Studio environment is as safe and sanitized as possible for our clients and team. We strongly recommend everyone schedule their haircut online. This will limit checkout time and contact when we re-open for business. Our chairs are already set up and spaced out accordingly. We kindly ask for any clients scheduled, to only come with the people who have appointments. We have made a list of measures and precautions to stay consistent throughout.
Team Members and Clients
- All members are required to wear a CDC-recommended face mask that covers the nose and mouth in a snug manner for their entire shift. We kindly ask that our clients also wear a well-fitted face mask during your appointment. One that fits around the ears so we’re able to cut your hair without any interference.
- Members will wash their hands frequently, hand-free soap and hand sanitizer dispensers will be throughout the studio. We will also refrain from handshakes even though we’re more than happy to see you!
- Stations and barber chairs are wiped down and sanitized between haircuts.
- Each client is required to bring in their own clean cutting cape each time for their haircut and take back with them after their service.
We are temporarily holding off on services such as beard trims due to the close proximity it requires.
- Prior to opening each day, our studio will be thoroughly cleaned and sanitized.
- Door handles and windows will be wiped down frequently.
- Lounge area, surfaces, sink and appliances will be wiped down frequently.
- Credit card machine and check out area will be
- Wiped and sanitized after each use.
For the health and wellbeing of everyone, please know that any team members presenting cold symptoms will be asked to stay home from work until symptoms are finished. We also request that any client who is feeling symptoms of a cold to please reschedule your appointment.
Thank you for your loyalty and dedication to keep our environment at the studio healthy and safe. Guidelines will change and evolve, hopefully, soon enough we can get back to normalcy. We look forward to seeing all of our amazing clients!